Give Relief, Share Some Beef
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I don't need to tell you how the world has been turned upside down within the past few weeks. Social distancing, quarantines, essential businesses and employees, empty streets and buildings - all words a few weeks ago that seemed like things that happened in the movies. We know that this situation has hit our communities hard. The fact that we are able to still operate our business and keep our off farm paychecks is not lost on us. It is something we are grateful and thankful for each and every day.
When we moved here just over 5 years ago without knowing a single person and then deciding to start a business a few years after that, this community welcomed us with open arms. Not only did you all welcome us, you came out and supported us not only by purchasing our beef but by helping us make connections, sharing our story, giving us advice, and just loving on us.
It is now our turn to return that love and support. We have set up a Give Relief, Share Some Beef campaign to help support those in our communities that are not as fortunate as us at this time. If you are in a position to help us make the donation even bigger, you can go to our website and purchase a pound of ground beef to be donated to a local food pantry. We plan to match the purchase of 50 lbs of ground beef by donating another 50 lbs of cuts of beef. For a total of 100 lbs of beef to be donated to help families struggling to put food on the table at this time.
Thank you for helping to make a difference to give relief and share some beef!